상세 컨텐츠

본문 제목

Solidity - Ether and Wei

Programming Language/Solidity

by Yongari 2022. 12. 22. 22:06






Transactions are paid with ether.

거래는 ETH로 지불된다.


Similar to how one dollar is equal to 100 cent, one ether is equal to 1018 wei.

1달러가 100센트인 것과 마찬가지로 1ETH는 10^18 wei이다. (10의 18승)
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.13;

contract EtherUnits {
    uint public oneWei = 1 wei;
    // 1 wei is equal to 1
    bool public isOneWei = 1 wei == 1;

    uint public oneEther = 1 ether;
    // 1 ether is equal to 10^18 wei
    bool public isOneEther = 1 ether == 1e18;



Remix 링크











솔리디티 1이더 1018웨이



출처 : https://solidity-by-example.org/ether-units/

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